
Start using ShowsManager today with our self service Organiser plan or contact us for more information about our pro plans.

ShowsManager & ShowsHappening are ideal for: Concerts and Venues, Clubnights, Conferences, Theatre, Dance, Exhibitions, Sports, Tours, Attractions and more.



Sign up instantly and for free with our Organiser account. Get access to help directly from our team instantly.


8.47% + 1.53% VAT (10%) booking fee charged to the ticket buyer.

Payment Processing & Payouts.

Receive money directly into your bank account. Only pay the payment processing fees (stripe fee) — alternative options available

Sell your tickets online via or your website:

  • Unlimited Users and Ticket Types and Control
  • Seated or Standing Events
  • Multiple setup options including daily schedules, extra fields, extra items and more.
  • Offers and Coupon codes with various options.
  • Ticket Office management for a box office or third party sellers.

Access to ShowsManager website and App for all the online tools to manage your ticket sales

Real time transparent reporting with full access to all your data

Access to ShowsManager App to scan tickets at your event using any camera phone (Laser 3D reader phones also available to use with our app)

Quick setup, endless options

Start now and contact us for help or more information.



For pro users with bespoke setup and pricing requirements. Dedicated supporrt available 24/7 for larger promoters and those who require a more custom package.

All of our Organsier features plus

Personal account manager assistance every step of the way

Custom changes to our software to help you achieve your goals


Term Contract

Custom pricing

Contact us for more information.

2 options for fees

Use to receive money directly or let us collect the money on your behalf and pay you 1 week after the event takes place.

  1. Use to receive money directly into your bank account. Receive money the day after the ticket is purchased. Only pay Stripe Fee.
  2. Money goes to ShowsHappening, and we pay 1 week after the event to an IBAN. We charge a 2% + VAT processing fee. ShowsHappening charges an 8.47% booking fee + 1.53% VAT (10%) to the ticket buyer.
  3. For promoters looking for a different plan they can choose a pro plan and discuss with us for custom pricing.

Complimenrary Tickets

We understand that events require complimentary tickets for partners, friends and fans. We therefore let you use the system to generate up to 10% of your ticket sales in comps for free. The rest of the comps are charged.

  1. 10% of your comps for free, for example if you sell 1000 tickets we will not charge for the first 100 comps.
  2. Comps generated over and above the 10% threshold charged at €1 + VAT per comp. For custom pricing please contact us.

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