
Coupon Codes & Offers

Whether you are bundling up different nights of a festival, providing a membership discount, or simply giving a straight discount, you can add and adjust them with ease.


Codes for Multiple Use

Spread the love by issuing coupon codes that multiple people can use multiple times. Sometimes word of mouth is your best marketing tool, and nothing spreads faster than a discount!


Codes for Single Use

If you want a separate code for each user, no problem at all. You can generate a unique code for each user arranged well in advance and bulk numbers. 


Discount the entire order

Traditional 10% off or Black Friday-style discounts are completely straightforward to apply. You can add coupons for the sale duration or set a discount for a set period of time. 


Discount on Ticket Types

You can discount specific ticket types to ensure you are building the exact value that you want. Codes for those that are out of work, discounts for those of a certain age, or giving students a good value night out, you can drill down and build benefits for each specific audience.


Multiple Show Discounts

If you are setting up a festival, or a series of events, you can give a discount for multiple shows. Give your customers a little treat with the third show free or discounted booking for the aftershow party. 


Membership discount

The membership model is a great way of building recurring revenue, and within ShowsHappening, easily build members-only codes to distribute to your followers, giving them the best value and keeping them thrilled to be part of your tribe. 



What is Showshappening?

Showshappening is an online platform that connects event organizers with ticket buyers. We provide a range of services, including ticket sales, event promotion, and audience management, making it easy for organizers to set up and manage their events.

How can I sell tickets through Showshappening?

We understand the importance of convenience and accessibility when it comes to organizing events. Thus, you can create an account on our website and list your event for free. Once your event is approved, you can set up ticket sales, track ticket sales data, and manage your attendees.

How can i receive money from my tickets?

Our preferred method is that you use Stripe to receive your money directly, please contact us to request a link. alternatively we can collect the money on you behalf and pay you 1 week after the event takes place.

How can I contact Showshappening for support?

You can reach us on hello@showshappening.com. We’ll be happy to also share a Whats App number with you or jump on a video call. Whether you need help setting up your event or have questions about ticket sales, we are here to assist you every step of the way, ensuring a successful event.

How do I promote my event on Showshappening?

Once you have created an account and listed your event on our website, you can use our event promotion tools to increase visibility and attract more attendees. These tools may include social media marketing, email marketing, and targeted advertising.

What kind of events can be listed on Showshappening?

We welcome many events on our platform, including concerts, theater productions, sports events, and festivals. Our platform is designed to accommodate a diverse range of events, ensuring that each one receives the highest level of support and attention from our team.


Seating plans

At ShowsHappening, we understand that seating arrangements can be as complex as staging a Shakespearean play. That's why we offer simple and user-friendly seating plans that ensure your audience is comfortable and entertained, just like they would be at a sold-out West End show.


Ticket Sales Management

At ShowsHappening, we provide a comprehensive ticket sales management system that simplifies the process for event organizers. Our platform is designed to help you sell tickets to your target audience with ease and efficiency.

Get the show started

With ShowsHappening — your ticketing partner


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